Many people consider the day after Christmas to be Boxing Day. Traditionally the name was a result of the need to remove empty boxes from the house after all of the Christmas gifts had been opened. Over time Boxing Day has evolved into whatever day homeowners decide to pack away all of their Christmas lights, decorations, and linens. No matter which date you choose to be your own person Boxing Day, there are tips to help make storage easier.

Using leftover cardboard boxes is certainly a way of recycling. They can serve as a perfectly acceptable means of storage. Some people prefer to buy large plastic containers with lids. These airtight bins will keep Christmas lights protected from moisture and broken bulbs. They will help protect them from any gnawing mice or critters that might gain entrance into an attic, basement or storage unit.

The plastic containers are sturdier than boxes and will prevent ornaments from getting broken. Whenever possible, wrap the ornaments in their original packaging. When no packaging is available, wrap the ornament in tissue for extra protection against breakage. Packing the more delicate and fragile ornament on top will help keep them from being crushed by heavier ornament.

Christmas linens, such as table cloths and runners, placemats, napkins, tree skirts, and stockings should be laundered prior to storing. Do not fold them and put them away until they are thoroughly dry in order to keep them from mildewing. Once they are completely dry, store them in large zip-top style bags before putting them in the storage container.

Individual strands of Christmas lights should be wrapped neatly.  I utilize the old around the arm trick but then I use a tie or a zip tie to keep them from getting tangled after they are wrapped up.  After they are individually wrapped I stack the individual wrapped strands into a storage box. If your Christmas lights were installed by a professional Christmas light installation company, the will be responsible for returning and taking down the lights. Typically they wait until after the New Year to remove them.

Pack gift bags, small decorative boxes and other wrapping essentials together. Ribbons can be rewound around their original spool or by winding them around an empty paper towel roll. In order to keep bows from being flattened, place tissue paper between the loops.

Boxing Day should be a fun and enjoyable day. Some people invite family and friends over share and easy meal together before everyone pitches in and helps. Put away your decoration and Christmas lights in a way that makes you look forward to unpacking them again next holiday season.